It is difficult to understand why God allows suffering, hardship, and pain to remain in our lives when we have prayed for Him to take it from us. In time, it can become a thorn in the flesh. The phrase, "A Thorn in the Flesh" is a colloquialism or descriptive phrase that is used to describe a chronic infirmity, unending suffering, or hardships in one's life.
God allows the thorn to pierce our hidden heart to bring us to a place where we become open to reveal who we really are before Him. Times of hardship, unending trials, and painful suffering often bring us to a place where we can become weary of life, and call out to Him to provide grace for the thorns.

Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong." II Cor. 12:7-12
Grace for the Thorns by John Krohn Ph.D
My new book is now available online at or can be ordered at Barnes and Noble (US), Chapters (Can), Blackwell (UK), and at most independent international bookstores.
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Price: $14.95 (US)
Book Details
Book Details
- Paperback: 374 pages
- Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (August 5, 2016)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 153693710X
- ISBN-13: 978-1536937107
- Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.8 x 9 inches
- Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds
Summary of Grace for the Thorns
Grace for the Thorns will give you keen insight, inspiration, and encouragement for the trials that will just not go away. The book is set up for individual reading, and provides journal activities throughout with a supplemental appendix, directing the reader into an in-depth inductive study of the Attributes and Names of God.
Always remember that God will give you Grace for the Thorns, no matter how great the trial, and that He alone knows what you are truly going through. Trust Him.
It is an excellent resource that can be used:
As Sunday School curriculum
Grace for the Thorns provides bible study at home activities to bring to class each week.
As a Spiritual Retreat Theme
Grace for the Thorns provides each attendee with a working journal project.
As a Home Bible Study
Grace for the Thorns provides inductive bible study assignments to bring to each weekly study.
A Resource for Missionaries
Grace for the Thorns can be adapted to use in their field work. It is especially suited for growing through suffering.
A gift for one who is suffering alone
Grace for the Thorns can be a comfort and encouragement for those who suffer alone with grief, long term illness, isolation and loneliness.
For the Pastor as a resource for a series of sermons
Grace for the Thorns is set up with outlines for each topic to compliment a series of sermons on trials, hardship, and suffering.
Please take a few moments to listen and reflect upon this inspirational music video entitled:
He Knows by Jeremy Camp
About the Author
John Krohn has worked as a pastor, bible college professor and as a corporate executive coach. His primary career focus has been as a traumatologist, specializing in PTSD related issues. As an author, he has published college curriculum in Christian Counseling, Adolescent Psychology, and Crisis Counseling. He has also published numerous articles on Christian living, mental health issues, and spiritual growth. He has authored several books written to inspire and give insight when tough times come our way.
for the Thorns is also available to be ordered online through Amazon
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